Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sweet Sacrifice

I'm supposed to be posting 'Disturbia', but since I haven't completed it yet (oh yes, how typical of me) I've decided to post up a... random filler? Don't mind the title. As the same case as this story, it's completely random XP;;


Footsteps. Behind her. That was the only sound that Emily Mason could hear apart from the soft tap tap of her feet. Turning her head ever so slightly, she continued walking on, though at a brisker pace.

Tap tap tap.

Those footsteps behind her was in tune to her own. Shutting her eyes tightly, she broke into a trot, her breath coming in irregular pants.

"Please, oh please just go away. Leave me alone!" she prayed silently. Suddenly, she heard the unmistakable sound of a penknife being unsheathed.

"No!" sobbed Emily, who ran for her very life. Within seconds, however, she felt a hand clamp over her left shoulder. Unable to keep her curiosity at bay any longer, she spun around, and let out an audible gasp as she finally came face to face with her predator.

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

"Anna! It's only you. Thank God! You scared me half to death! What were you doing following me and keeping quiet, eh? And what are you doing here? I know today's Halloween, but why aren't you with your friends? Where are they? You shouldn't wander around alone, especially in a half deserted street like this!" Emily breathed a sigh of relief as she realised that it was just her 12-year-old daughter.

"I'm sorry, mommy, I didn't mean to scare you. I saw you when I was on the way back home, and decided to follow you", Anna looked up at her mother with an innocent look.

Emily looked back at her daughter and smiled. "Anyway, I'm glad that we're both safe. Come here and give mommy a hug." She spread out her arms, and her daughter leaned in close, returning her embrace.

Suddenly, Emily gasped. There was a sharp, stabbing pain in her abdomen. Clutching the wounded spot with her right hand, she staggered backward.

There was a knife protruding from her stomach.

"Anna... you... what have you done?" she wheezed, staring at her daughter in horror.

The child just plastered a smile on her face, and the clouds overhead partially shrouded the moon, casting her a menacing look. "Mommy... I've missed you so much. I've waited for so long, and now, we can finally be together again!"

"What are you... talking about?" Emily said weakly, as her blood continued flowing from the open wound.

"Don't worry, death isn't all that scary. I'll guide you when we get there, I promise!" Anna knelt down beside her mother and cradled her in her arms, stroking her face."I love you, mommy." Emily could do nothing but stare in horror at her only child, until the very last of her life essence was drained out of her.

As the clock tower chimed 12, the figure of a 12-year-old girl started to vanish, leaving only the remains of a young woman behind. To eyes that can't see, a child and her mother held hands, looking at a certain spot some distance away. A dark vortex materialised at said spot, and both looked at each other before walking into it, venturing into a different world.


There! Okay so it's weird I know. In case you didn't get it, Anna has been dead for some time, and Emily was just living in denial that she's still alive, so in a way she has been 'imagining' her daughter all along? And err... Anna killed her mom so that they can be reunited in the other world =.= I told you it was random -_- But rest assured that this isn't the piece for 'Disturbia', just a totally random short fic I decided to type at the spur of the moment hoho. I worked out the plot as I typed so please excuse me if it didn't make much (any?) sense. And please excuse any typos/grammatical errors ^^


Blogger Yumimi said...

O_O now that's wat I call flying imagination XD

October 10, 2008 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

^^ Thanks! But in all seriousness it was totally random and I did it just cause I was bored O.o
It actually made sense to you? I'm pleased O_o rofl XP;;;

October 11, 2008 at 3:51 PM  
Blogger danchan said...

an eerie one indeed...
mmm...will make a good episode for a twilight zone serial...
u can write la considering the fact that it was a random effort...

October 13, 2008 at 7:32 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Hehe thanks! XD
Twilight zone... should start looking it up on youtube lol XP

October 14, 2008 at 2:12 PM  

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