Thursday, August 14, 2008


Yes I do realise that I have been hibernating for quite some time now. I have VERY good reasons to explain my absence, though : school work was weighing me down. So here I am, posting a few haikus I wrote (I'm still relatively new to writing haikus so yes they might sound rather... ghey). For those of you who are not familiar with what a haiku is, it's a form of Japanese poetry which is comprised of 3 lines with the format of 5-7-5 syllabus for each lines respectively. All haikus posted here have no relevance to one another.

Sunrise and sunset
Two words that are so alike
Yet so different

Autumn breeze blowing
Bringing waves of nostalgia
Sorrow fills my heart

Orange paper plane
Soaring high up in the sky
Free from all worries

Sakura blossoms
Falling so softly like snow
Bringing along peace

Black tendrils of hate
Engulfs everything it sees
In a cloak of woe

Little sparrow sing
For the love you found and lost
Nothing left for you

Blossoming shadows
Feeding all things dark and black
To frail little hearts

As usual, all comments and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. My personal favourite haiku is the one about the paper plane :D (Inspiration for it came from Genjyo Sanzo of Gensoumaden Saiyuki XDDD)


Blogger Yumimi said...

O_O you make me feel like throwing my own work into the rubbish dump T_T
but great job ^_^ congrats~

August 14, 2008 at 8:00 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

What the... have some confidence in yourself nya >o<
And sankyuu! Domo arigatou!
Now if only my Japanese is strong enough to actually compose haiku in its original language ^^
But that'll be.......a looooooooong time from now, if ever =o=
I saw some examples of Japanese haiku and it sounded so.... beautiful *___*

August 15, 2008 at 6:59 PM  
Blogger Yumimi said...

no la i was just kidding ^^lll but i'm amazed with your strong vocab O_O reli made me go O__________O i shall wait for the day u write a haiku in its original language XD keep posting ^O^

August 16, 2008 at 7:40 PM  
Blogger danchan said...

mmm...finally getting over your mental block...:)
nice haikus...well done
i like the first one cos it's simple and yet so meaningful...full of symbolism
keep on haikuing.....
next topic is 'signs' (forget inspiration and passion)

August 17, 2008 at 3:04 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Thank You!! XDD
So I'll just take it that I've completed the theme on 'Sunrise and Sunset' >D
EEEEEE I'm working halfway on Passion!! =_______=

August 17, 2008 at 3:36 PM  

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