Friday, October 17, 2008


Since October is symbolic for Halloween, I have decided to post up stuff related to the darker side for this whole month <3 And since I'm feeling rather bored again (exhausted, actually, but oh well) I'm posting up another random work. This time, it's yet another short story. Enjoy, little ghosties and ghoulies <3


Tick, tock, tick, tock, came the ticking of the clock, overlapped by the sounds of bells chiming. A young lady crouched in the corner of the kitchen, clamping her palms over her ears., shivering. "Stop it..... make it stop..... make it go away...." she whispered to no-one in particular.

Sounds of something being dragged started to approach her from the opposite side of the room, and the lady jerked involuntarily, stifling a sob. "Please, don't come closer.......go away!" Ignoring her pleas, the sound became gradually louder as it slowly, yet steadily approached her. In the sliver of moonlight shining through the window, a pale arm slowly emerged, followed by another arm. Upon seeing it, the woman shut her eyes tightly.

"Disappear, disappear, hurry up and disappear, disappear..." she chanted to herself, only to be ignored once again. Suddenly, after a final thud, the dragging sounds stopped. Still sobbing softly, and unable to contain her curiosity, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

She regretted it almost instantaneously.

Right in front of her was a sprawled figure of a woman in a long ultramarine dress with long, wavy blonde hair, looking up at her. There was only one problem with its features - it didn't have any, except for a slit of a mouth forever etched in a menacing smirk.

The woman instinctively brought her palms to her cheeks, clutching at it, her eyes horror-stricken. She wanted to scream, but her voice seemed to fail her.

The figure on the floor slowly reached a pale, bony hand up to the woman's face. "Yu....mi....." it called out in a dry, raspy voice.

Yumi shrank back, her efforts futile as she had her back firmly pressed against the wall. Shivering, she never took her sight off the hand, until it touched her cheek. A chill crept down her spine upon contact - it was freezing cold, as cold as death. Yumi shut her eyes again as the figure started caressing her cheek.

"Yu...mi.... it... has been..... a long.... time...."

"What do you want?!" sobbed Yumi.

"Is that.... the way..... you.... greet... and old friend?"

Caress, Caress.


"How can... you... say that? You.... should be happy... I still.... love you so much... even after everything... you did..." it continued caressing Yumi.

"It's not... that's not true!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Yumi shrieked.

This time, the figure started to rise, holding out another hand to Yumi's face, and held it tightly between its hands.

"You owe me... remember that... you owe me," said the figure with a noticeably stronger tone. "I am just here to claim what is rightfully mine. In other words, your life," At this, it brought its 'face' up close to Yumi's, it's 'mouth' directly in front of her eyes.

"I don't understand... what do you mean?" Yumi gulped.

"Oh, you very well know what I mean, Yumi-chan," a giggle. "You are the very reason I am what I am today."

"No, no no, that's not true!"

"Really? Let me tell you a story, and tell me if it sounds familiar to you. One night, a pair of friends were heading out for a Halloween party. One of them was jealous of the other, as her crush had invited to the party not her, but her friend. So she decided to take matters into her own hands. She lured her friend to an old house, convincing her that it would be exciting to explore the house before attending the party, and they'd be able to boast about their courage later. Though skeptical, her friend relented. Once there, she pushed her friend into a room and locked her in it, ignoring her desperate cries for help."

"That was an accident I swear!" shrieked Yumi, almost in hysterics.

"I don't know for sure, but perhaps the girl meant to let her friend out the next day, but when she got there, she found a body sprawled on the floor in a room filled with snakes, bitten to death," the figure went on as though it hadn't been interrupted.

"I didn't mean for it to happen.................." Yumi said softly, getting limp.

"There, there, poor little Yumi, getting all upset. Someone needs a hug." the figure embraced her, and she made no attempts to break free. The figure started chanting a mantra, and Yumi started to close her eyes slowly.

As the first rays of the sun started to shine, Takeda Yumi rose, the ghastly figure nowhere to be seen. With her head bowed down, a smile began to form on her lips, and she held her hands out in front of her, looking at it with glee.

"Ahh... it feels so good to be alive again."


There you go! This took approximately an hour to complete x_X I think I'm better off at typing away at the computer rather than drafting it out on paper first O.o Goodness, I'm changing O.o
I hope you understand this story ^^;;;;;;; Again, kindly pardon any typos/grammatical errors/redundancy >o<
In case you didn't get it, the figure possessed Yumi at the very end.


Blogger Yumimi said...

Well-written, and very, err, creepy >.<
But why, of all names, Yumi? =O=

October 20, 2008 at 4:30 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

ROFL!!! ROFLROFLROFL!!!! Perasan sangat you think it's you ka ROFLROFLROFL!!!
It was the first 2-syllable Japanese name that came to mind lol XP;;;
And thanks nyan!~ >w<

October 20, 2008 at 4:35 PM  
Blogger danchan said...

another episode for twilight zone jap version?
anyway another good piece of haunting fiction
definitely your genre...
keep on writing...:)

October 29, 2008 at 11:23 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Hahah thanks XD
Yeah I'll keep on writing... when inspiration hits me XP
Recently I've been slowly getting re-addicted to Harry Potter... hopefully that's a sign that I'm finally free of my "writer's curse"?

October 30, 2008 at 4:11 PM  

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