Sunday, August 31, 2008


So I decided to post up Utopia first, since I wouldn't want to make it seem like I'm hibernating for the umpteenth time XP;; This time it's another poem. I really cracked my head over this one - if you notice carefully I tried to make it in a 5-7-5-7 syllable form, with the last word of the first line rhyming with the last word of the third line, and the same thing for the second and fourth line. It... turned out rather ghey I suppose x____x All the same, I hope you enjoy <3

A human is born
Only to await their death
All hopes are forlorn
Until your very last breath

Someone tell me why
Even though one day we'll die
We still have to sigh
For every day of our life

Is there not a place
Free from pain and suffering
When I see your face
I wish to dance and to sing

A place filled with joy
With laughter and happiness
Where I can enjoy
No longer in loneliness

So come on aboard
We'll search for that special place
Where we're our own Lord
Utopia flouts time and space



Blogger Yumimi said...

Once again, you amaze the writer out of me @_______@ gargh your vocab really strong la X________________X
anyway yeah great job ^o^ the ending's a little similar to mine, no? @_@
I suppose this just goes to prove that utopias don exist X_____________X so sad.....

August 31, 2008 at 9:40 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Nyaa domo arigatou XDDDD
Similar ka? T__T Oh well I suppose, in a way @@ But you also use my sentences ma!!!! =___= apala... don't mind me =o=
Utopia does exist <3 If you believe <3

September 1, 2008 at 10:40 AM  
Blogger danchan said...

nice one...feelings well expressed with good choice of words
finally something bright esp towards the end...
keep on searching and i'm sure you'll find your's somewhere out there:)

September 3, 2008 at 1:30 AM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Thank you very much XDDDDDDDD
Hahahaha finally a bright ending? Makes it sound as if I'm a very gloomy person >P

September 3, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

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