Monday, August 25, 2008


This is a rather deep and serious composition. I had my inspiration when I saw all those flags surrounding the 'Elections Area' =_= I thought to myself, 'What a huge waste of money and how environment-unfriendly!' If a politician is actually reading this (which is fantastically unlikely), then please, I ask of you, do not hang up posters/flags during the campaigning period. Seriously. I would respect you more if you used that money allocated for a better cause. And you're really polluting the earth. Ehem. Anyway, enjoy <3

Tsunami, South-East Asia, December 26 2004. Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Summer 2005. These phenomenons caused devastation to so many people. Lives were lost. Buildings were ruined. Homes and families were torn apart. If God is the supreme ruler of all, if God truly loves and cares for all his children, then why did he allow Mother Earth to land such catastrophes and let his children suffer like this?

Most might blame Him for allowing those unspeakable acts of nature to occur. Some might take it as one of His many trials. As for me, personally, I feel that those disasters are a sign from God that Mother Earth has almost reached the end of her long lifespan.

Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you, but I think that everything has its own lifespan. Who is it that is diminishing earth's longevity? It is us, humans! Think about it. Who is it that is releasing CFC and carbon dioxide in appallingly large quantities into the air, resulting in the ozone layer to become thinner and thinner? Who is it that is taking clean water for granted? 'Ah, I'm just wasting a few liters a day, it doesn't cost much!' Sounds familiar? It is not a question of money, but the environment factor. Bear in mind that even though our earth is made up of 3/4 parts water, most of that amount is salt water. Go ahead and try consuming salt water. See my point?

To me, humans are the worst creatures ever created. Scorn me if you must, but hey, everyone's entitled to their on point of view. Humans are creatures that are made up of all things foul - pride, greed, envy, lust, wrath, gluttony, sloth. Yes, I am referring to the seven sins. If it weren't for pride and greed, there would be no wars. If it weren't for envy and lust, humans would not engage in beastly acts. If it weren't for wrath, one wouldn't kill another in cold blood. Admit it, you yourself have had thoughts of wrecking havoc upon someone out of anger at least once in your life. Sure, you haven't actually done anything (okay, perhaps you might have scratched your foe's car), but it's the thought itself that matters.

If it weren't for gluttony, humans wouldn't eat more than necessary. Honestly, have you ever seen any other animal eating for fun? They eat for survival, and us? We breed animals just to slaughter them for our eating pleasure. Imagine this : You are locked up in a minuscule cage, and you are stuffed with food even though you have had enough. Each day passes by with you waiting for your turn to die as you watch your fellow 'inmates' being slaughtered mercilessly in batches. Disturbing, isn't it?

Who gave us the right to go against the law of nature and subject those poor animals to such horror? Why is it wrong to slay another human, but right to slay an animal? Aren't they living creatures as well? If it is wrong to take a life, then the blood of thousands are smeared all over us. Yes, that includes you. Disagree? Haven't you eaten your favourite fried chicken many times without a second thought that that piece of drumstick in your mouth might actually be a limb attached to a living being just a few moments ago? And you, because of your selfishness, have taken an innocent life without even the slightest care.

So yes, in all seriousness, I believe that these catastrophes are perhaps signs from God Himself (or Herself, if you'd prefer) to us that unless we do something, unless we change over a new leaf, Doomsday is set to happen anytime soon. If you think about it carefully, we brought all of this upon us by ourselves. If global warming continues at an alarming rate, the North Pole might melt in no time, and the whole world would drown in a sea of iced water. It might be too late to return the earth to its former splendor, but it is never to late to make amends. Perhaps if all of us did our part in conserving earth's natural resources and not exploiting it, we might live long enough to see a better tomorrow.

A/N : FINALLY! I actually completed a whole essay on a theme given out by my English teacher @x@ Kyahaha finished this in an hour 8D Somehow I have this nasty feeling that I'm smoother at writing factual essays than stories lately T___T Well anyway I hope you enjoyed reading it and do your part in making Mama Earth happy ^^

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Blogger Yumimi said...

I told many people before: I'd rather be a green activist than to go around helping poor people or poor children. What good will that do if everyone's gonna die suffer more intensed global warming anyway? XOX Anyway great entry nyaa~ XD

August 25, 2008 at 6:50 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Sankyuu! XDDD
Yah yah sadness that the world is going to become a barren land soon =X

August 25, 2008 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger danchan said...

wow...some heavy, serious stuff...
but i guess that's what blogs are for...go say your piece:)
anyway it will make a good academic essay
p.s. makes me feel kind of bad when i eat my fried or grilled chicken now...but on the other hand got to survive don't ask me to eat so-called vegeterian chicken...

August 27, 2008 at 10:39 PM  
Blogger Firesky said...

Wahaha thanks muchies XDDD
Yah you -should- feel bad >D
Aiyoyo why cannot eat vegetarian chicken??? -____-lllll

August 30, 2008 at 8:50 PM  

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